<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/all/" title="Audio player widget for the release "VCR - MODE""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/1/" title="Audio player widget for the track "M I A M I 罰金 N I G H T C L U B""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/2/" title="Audio player widget for the track "S U N D A Y 日曜の夜 N I G H T""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/3/" title="Audio player widget for the track "チャー""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/4/" title="Audio player widget for the track "強く抱きしめて""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/5/" title="Audio player widget for the track "より良いです B E T T E R""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/6/" title="Audio player widget for the track "日照""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/7/" title="Audio player widget for the track "You Belong With Me""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/8/" title="Audio player widget for the track "VCR - MODE""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/9/" title="Audio player widget for the track "C:\Windows\love.exe""> </iframe>
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://music.whitevhs.xyz/vcr-mode/embed/10/" title="Audio player widget for the track "カボチャスマッシュ""> </iframe>